Monday, September 29, 2008


What is Discipline?

There are many different approaches and styles that are used in the classroom in dealing with studentsbehaviors. If we took a snapshot of each classroom in this school, each of us probably would handle any given student discipline situation in a slightly different way. Whatever method you use, it should be consistent, and probably most importantly with a goal of beign CORRECTIVE. Remember also that "fair" discipline is not always equal.

When a student becomes so disruptive and all interventions that have been tried have failed, it is sometimes necessary to remove that student from the classroom setting. If you ever find yourself in this position, please submit a behavior referral to me through Skyward. As a rule of thumb...when a student is sent to the office from a class...that student spends the remainder of the class in ISS. If the student is is sent a second time, they spend the rest of the day in ISS. Third time and it is an extended stay in ISS or other intervention. Hopefully, before any of this happens, you have followed your classroom managment plans and/or contacted parents. Also, following what has been done since before I arrived, if a student is given a behavior referral they are automaticially placed on honor level 4. There are only a handful, if that, of instances when I have not followed this...and that was after careful consideration of the information inovled in the those particular situations.

Shawano Visit

On Thursday, I will be visiting Shawano Middle School and looking at their schedule and how they run lunch. Shawano Middle School is similar in size to MMS and is also a grades 5-8 building. I hope to get some ideas that will help make our current schedule more "friendly".

As always, if you ever have any questions, please contact me. Have a great week!

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